Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Low carb love

For those of you that know me well know that I LOVE practicing low carb eating.
From time to time I will share tips and foods that are low carb to help everyone reach their goals!

Here is a great one:
Walden Farms calorie free, sugar free peanut spead! Its' really great and tastes very similar to the real thing without all the fat and nutty carbs!

Walden Farms also makes a low carb, sugar free ketsup and BBQ sauce! The brand is located in the sugar free aisle.

- Posted from the Bride's iPhone


  1. My diet is really low in fats, so probably low in carbs, too. i've never noticed. LOL I just count calories in Livestrong.

    Thanks for the tip!

  2. I just ran across your blog and noticed you are from NOLA, where I am getting married! Any tips and ideas on small stuff like makeup and hair would be great if you have any suggestions!
    Cute blog by the way! :)
